sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Next Android Version to be Called Jelly Bean?

Android Jelly Bean
Ice Cream Sandwich is so passée, now it’s all about Jelly Bean.
According to a source speaking with This Is My Next, the version of Android to follow the impending Ice Cream Sandwich will be called “Jelly Bean,” but that it is a far from done deal in regards to the name. However, if they decide to stay with using desert names for the Android builds, which we have no real reason to believe they won’t, their options when it comes to “J” are fairly limited.
Beyond the potential name, the unnamed source that spoke with the site says that some of the big changes that were expected in Ice Cream Sandwich may be pushed back to Jelly Bean, but that it will still be a significant number of enhancements.  Hopefully this doesn’t mean we will lose the rumored joining of the tablet and phone branches of Android as no one really likes the idea that Gingerbread runs phones and Honeycomb is for tablets, especially developers.
With information pointing to either an Oct. or Nov. release for Ice Cream Sandwich, it seems as though we will know just how much of a game changer it truly is in fairly short order.
Are you excited for Ice Cream Sandwich?  What do you think of the potential Jelly Bean name?

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