sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

What to expect from Windows 8?

After a few months without posting the Design RDM again to its normal rhythm, now with emphasis on application development will assist in programming computer systems, but now let's talk about the next Microsoft operating system, Windows 8 is still unknown the world expects something of technology that revolutionizes the way you use the operating system, because with the advent of cloud computing a lot can change, but is that Microsoft is poised to dramatically change your system? Possibly the answer is no, because Microsoft does not want to see your next version turn into a new Windows Vista. Many users expect to see a new interface, which disappointed some users whose Windows 7 graphical user interface has not changed anything except the task bar, with rumors of "Wind" are a lot of speculation in the air, and therefore not have to be certain about what will the GUI's next operating system, but we can expect something approaching the interface developed by Microsoft and Metro that subtly implemented in the version of Internet Explorer 9, so we should wait until new officers are rumors or information disclosed.

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